Saturday, February 16, 2019

CIRCLE OF THE MOON (Nell Ingram #4) by Faith Hunter Blog Tour

Thank you for visiting my little corner of the digital world!  Today we are having some fun with the newest installation of Nell Ingram's story, Circle of the Moon.  First up, I have a guest post for you from Nell herself!


What if you were…
1. If you had a job other than the one with PsyLED, the Psychometric Law
Enforcement Division of Homeland Security?

Nell: I’m a farmer at heart, not that I have a lot of cleared land to farm. I have over a
hundred fallow acres of old growth trees that I commune with and take care of, and they take
care of me in return. I know that sounds odd and it’s a long story, but trust me, the land can
do its job. That said, I’ve thought about putting in some grape vines in the three acres on the
south side of the hill. I’ve even thought about clearing some land for crops. But it might be
easier to just bring in some meat goats. I’m not sure yet. I hope to have my little sister live
with me soon and she might have an opinion on all that. We’ll see!

2. If you were a car or truck?
Nell: I’d say that’s kinda silly, that no one can be a car, but then I’m part tree, so maybe it
ain’t so strange. And my answer has changed in the last year as I’ve been brought into
modern society and culture. Once upon a time I said I would be John Deere tractor, but now?
I’d be a truck, for sure. A collectable 1945-1949 Willys CJ-2A. The CJ-2A was the blueprint
for every recreational four-wheel drive vehicle for seventy years, including every Jeep. It’s
got that seven-slot grille, flat fenders, and the Willys' little 60-hp, 134-cid "Go-Devil" engine.
The CJ-2A runs on an 80-inch wheelbase and weighs just 2100 pounds, so it’s maneuverable
as well as peppy. I’d make a great Willys!

3. If you were a poem?
Nell: That’s changed too. Not because I fell out of love with Will. That’s William
Shakespeare. But because I’m in the middle of falling in love with a Cat-man, a were-leopard
named Occam. It’s ’cause a him that I’m reading some love poems by John Donne, not that
I’m gonna tell Occam that, and not that I’d EVER tell my mama. She’d have kittens to think
of me reading anything other than the Bible and Shakespeare. Donne writes sorta like Will,
with spellings of his day and lots of flourishes. Here’s the first verse of my current favorite…
I WONDER by my troth, what thou, and I
Did, till we lov’d? were we not wean’d till then?
But suck’d on countrey pleasures, childishly?
Or snorted we in the seaven sleepers den?
T’was so; But this, all pleasures fancies bee.
If ever any beauty I did see,
Which I desir’d, and got, t’was but a dreame of thee.

4. When we last met, I asked what weapon you would be. Has your answer changed?
Nell: Last time I said something like: I am a weapon. I can feed the land, feed the EARTH
with the blood of my enemies. I can heal the trees of the forest with the soul of an attacker. I
look innocent, but I am something primeval and dangerous and I can kill with my bare hands.

Beware. So, um. Yeah. Maybe that’s gotten worse? Maybe I’m more of a weapon than ever?
I had to battle something really big and mean and awful in CIRCLE OF THE MOON. Now
it’s getting hard to hide what I am, and I fear that sometime soon, someone might challenge
me on the fact of not being human. Anyway, thanks for having me!

Nell can draw magic from the land around her, and lately she’s been using it to help the Psi-Law Enforcement division, which solves paranormal crimes. Joining the team at PsyLED has allowed her to learn more about her powers and the world she always shunned—and to find true friends.

Head agent Rick LaFleur shifts into a panther when the moon calls him, but this time, something has gone wrong. Rick calls Nell from a riverbank—he’s naked, with no memory of how he came to be there, and there’s a dead black cat, sacrificed in a witch circle and killed by black magic, lying next to him.

Then more animals turn up dead, and the team rushes to investigate. A blood-witch is out to kill. But when it seems as if their leader is involved in the crime, the bonds that hold the team together could shatter at any moment.

ISBN: 0399587942
ISBN-13: 978-0399587948

Barnes & Noble
Google Play

Circle of the Moon (Soulwood, #4)Circle of the Moon by Faith Hunter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My favorite books are part of a series - specifically long series. Beyond that I LOVE when an author has managed to create a world so intricate, wide-spread, ad well-written that it can then spawn spin-off series with some of the characters. Faith has managed to do this brilliantly.

Circle of the Moon becomes an integral tie-in book between the Jane Yellowrock and Nell Ingram worlds. Focusing on Ricky-Bo, the story gives many more details regarding his tattoo, how and why it was created... and why it has become the magical "backdoor" anyone familiar with pc hacking would be proud to know about.

I don't want to go into too many details as that may spoil the story, but both Nell & Ricky-Bo grow quite a bit in this story, and once I opened the book it was hard to put it down. The whole team is still recovering from their last magical firefight, and being the nuturer that she is, Nell feels strongly responsible for fixing them. Ricky-Bo is torn between his responsibility to lead and feeling that he is letting the team down.

Overall once of the best reads I have had in quite a while!

View all my reviews


Faith Hunter is the New York Times and USAToday bestselling author of the Jane Yellowrock series, the Soulwood series, and the Rogue Mage series, as well as the author of 16 thrillers under pen the names Gary Hunter and Gwen Hunter. She has 40+ books in print.

Faith collects orchids and animal skulls, loves thunder storms, and writes. She likes to cook soup, bake homemade bread, garden, and run Class III whitewater rivers. She edits the occasional anthology and drinks a lot of tea. Some days she’s a lady. Some days she ain't.
For more, see
To keep up with her, like her fan page at Facebook:

Five winners will receive the first two Soulwood novels! Contest runs Feb. 11th until Mar. 7th. The Rafflecopter code is below:

Sunday, January 13, 2019

SUMMONED TO THRITEENTH GRAVE (Charley Davidson #13) by Darynda Jones Blog Tour

Grim Reaper Charley Davidson is back in the final installment of Darynda Jones’ New York
Times bestselling paranormal series!

Charley Davidson, Grim Reaper extraordinaire, is pissed. She’s been kicked off the earthly plane for
eternity—which is exactly the amount of time it takes to make a person stark, raving mad. But
someone’s looking out for her, and she’s allowed to return after a mere hundred years in exile. Is it too much to hope for that not much has changed? Apparently it is. Bummer.

She’s missed her daughter. She’s missed Reyes. She’s missed Cookie and Garrett and Uncle Bob. Now that she’s back on earth, it’s time to put to rest burning questions that need answers. What happened to her mother? How did she really die? Who killed her? And are cupcakes or coffee the best medicine for a broken heart? It all comes to a head in an epic showdown between good and evil in this final smart and hilarious novel.


First Grave on the Right
  • The concept for First Grave came about while Darynda was working as a sign language interpreter in her hometown. She stole many of the names from students at the schools where she worked, including Reyes, Garrett, and Amber. As far as Darynda knows, they have all forgiven her for her thievery.
Second Grave on the Left
  • Uncle Bob is a combination of two people: Darynda’s oldest brother, Luther, and the principal at the high school where she worked for several years.
Third Grave Dead Ahead
  • This was originally titled Third Grave Straight Ahead, but Darynda’s web designer, Liz Bemis, asked her to change the name to Dead Ahead. Firstly, it fit the content better, and secondly, Liz got tired of spelling the word Straight wrong while updating the website. Dead is much easier to type.
Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet
  • Quentin Rutherford makes his first appearance in this book. While his first name was stolen from Darynda’s little brother and his last name stolen from yet another Jr. High student, Quentin is physically sculpted from her oldest son, Jerrdan, a bona fide blond-haired, blue-eyed devil with a sparkling smile that melts even the staunchest of hearts. And, like Quentin Rutherford, he was born Deaf. Not that he let it stop him for a second.
Fifth Grave Past the Light
  • This book was fun to write! Darynda was trying to come up with something truly creepy to throw into the book, and she figured what would be creepier than having an apartment full of departed women crawling up the walls, skittering across the ceiling, and huddling in the corners? Also, it is one of the hotter books, so that was fun, too. Because, you know, Reyes.
Sixth Grave on the Edge
  • Darynda really wanted to open this one on a humorous note. She wanted to have Charley on a stakeout with a departed elderly man, who also happens to be naked, riding shotgun. Which begs the question: Are we really stuck in (or out of) whatever we are wearing when we die for all eternity? ‘Cause that would suck.
Seventh Grave and No Body
  • Osh’ekiel was originally supposed to be in one book only. And he was supposed to be a very bad guy. But Darynda fell in love with him while writing the book and decided to redeem him and give him a bigger role. Just how big his role would become didn’t come to Darynda until plotting Eighth Grave. He has been one of her favorite characters since she wrote that first scene with him.
Eighth Grave After Dark
  • Darynda wanted to really turn the tables on Charley and force her to have to stay in one place, thus the sacred ground of the convent came into play. It was fun and challenging to write a “locked room” mystery, so to speak, but that’s why she loves writing so much.
The Dirt on Ninth Grave
  • One of Darynda’s favorite books in the series, she looked forward to writing this book ever since she came up with the concept while plotting Sixth Grave. Part of what makes a romance so fun is the falling-in-love part, and she wanted Charley to fall in love with Reyes all over again. This book was doubly fun because the audience knows all the characters’ backstories, and they get to watch in anticipation as Charley slowly unravels the mysteries of her past, while seeing her fall head-over-heels for the same guy all over again.
The Curse of Tenth Grave
  • This book had one of those too-close-for-comfort calls. Right before Tenth Grave went to print, after going through editors and copyeditors and readers of all shapes and sizes, a savvy proofreader let Darynda in on a little secret: A Sherpa is part of a culture, not an occupation. Thanks to this razor-sharp reader, Darynda narrowly escaped insulting an entire culture in one fell swoop. Aka, her worst nightmare. Her gratitude is unending.
Eleventh Grave in Moonlight
  • Darynda dreamed of going to Scotland for so long, she finally decided to just put it in one of her books. She had Charley accidently materialize in the magical country, only to find out weeks after finishing the book that she would finally get to go there herself. In person. For realsies. It was even more magical than she’d imagined it would be, and she can’t wait to go back.
The Trouble with Twelfth Grave
  • This book has one of Darynda’s favorite epiphanies EVER!!! She thought, what if someone out there in the universe, a child perhaps, knows everything about Reyes and Charley? Everything starting from their supernatural heritage to their human identities? And what if that person wrote a book about them? Or a series of books? Say, perhaps, a set of children’s books and Garrett just happens to stumble upon them while doing research? How fun would that be? And the international bestselling children’s book (fictionally speaking) The First Star was born.
Summoned to Thirteenth Grave

  • By far the hardest story in the series to write, penning the last Charley book was a bittersweet experience. But Darynda knew she had to go big or go home, so what better way to go out with a bang than to end the world as we know it by starting the zombie apocalypse? Because that’s what writers do. We start apocalypses.   


First Grave on the Right (Charley Davidson, #1)First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Re-reading this book was like visiting an old, dear friend - reminiscing and re-living some of the best times you've had. No matter how long it has been between visits things always fall right back into place.

The Charley Davidson series is light-hearted reading in the urban fantasy genre. This series caught me right from the get-go because it was an attention-grabber from the first page with it's punch-in-the-gut action and heavy doses of sarcasm. Charley is a down-to-earth protagonist with out-of-this-world abilities who draws you in and makes you empathize with her.

As an introduction to the series I thinks this book works very well. The main plot and sub-plots work together to weave a backdrop for not only this story, but all the following ones as well. The characters are introduced with intertwined back stories and the world they live in is described in enough detail to allow your imagination to create a vivid image of it.

All of the background you need to understand Charley, her family, and her friends is included in this book. If you are looking for a quick read read with hijinx, a touch of mystery, action, and tons of sarcasm then you are in the right place!

Summoned to Thirteenth Grave (Charley Davidson, #13)Summoned to Thirteenth Grave by Darynda Jones
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a powerful ending to an entertaining series! It had been a while since I had read the 12th installment so I had forgotten how it ended. Reading the first and last books in the series for this review was a little bittersweet. It showed just how much Charley and grown... and just how much she had remained the same.

I'm not sure Charley ever seems to get a break in so far as there always seems to be one crisis or another requiring her attention, and this story is much the same. Reyes managed to unleash a hell on earth when he broke out of the god glass, and it is now up to them to get that portal closed down.

I laughed... I cried... I *think* I saw an opening for a spin-off series... Well, at least that is MY wishful thinking regarding the ending of the last book in one of my favorite series of all time. ;)

View all my reviews

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author DARYNDA JONES won a Golden Heart and a RITA for her manuscript First Grave on the Right. A born storyteller, she grew up spinning tales of dashing damsels and heroes in distress for any unfortunate soul who happened by, annoying man and beast alike. Darynda lives in the Land of Enchantment, also known as New Mexico, with her husband and two beautiful sons, the Mighty, Mighty Jones Boys.


Saturday, May 5, 2018

Baby, I'm Howling for You (Alphaville, #1) by Christine Warren


ABOUT Baby, I'm Howling For You:

Renny Landry is a wolf on the run. Pursued by a shapeshifting stalker and his slobbering pack of killer coyotes, she is forced to flee her job as a librarian to find sanctuary in the wooded hills of Alpha, Washington. A well-secluded safe space for troubled shifters, Alpha is Renny’s last hope. But the first person she meets there is a gorgeous alpha male with fiery eyes, fierce tattoos, and one ferocious appetite—for her…

Mick Fischer thought he left his past behind when he moved to Alpha. But fate has a way of biting him in the tail when a female wolf shows up on his property. Wounded, desperate—and disarmingly hot—Renny brings out the snarling, protective alpha beast in Mick like no other woman he’s known. Can these two haunted, hunted wolves manage to mate for life…even as the deadliest past demons howl at their heels?


This was a fun, quick read with plenty of intrigue and action.  Strong alphas, and the women who won't let the alphas run over them.  Laughter, tears, and intrigue all wrapped into a relatively short story made this very appealing.

I've never read anything by Christine before, and found this worth the read.  I'm interested in reading other stories from this series.

*I received an e-ARC from NetGalley to provide this review.*

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Thanks Fur Last Night (Fur #1) by Eve Langlais, Milly Taiden, & Kate Baxter

ABOUT Thanks Fur Last Night:

Bearing His Sin

Cole should have killed Anja the moment he realized she was his mate. Instead, he let her live and now they’re on the hunt, chasing the morons who think they can force her to marry another man. Like hell. And while this shapeshifting bear might have his share of sins, he’s not going to let little things like murder and mayhem prevent him from having the woman meant to be the keeper of his heart.

Bought by the Bear
Josilyn Martinez just needed the money to help raise her nephew. That's it. There's no other reason she would take a job posing as a shifter's mate so he can assure his grandmother he's settled down. There's no reason to stay at his place so they learn "more about each other." And there's definitely no good reason she should get involved with the hard, hot, and handsome shifter that's hired her.

Xander just needs a fake mate for a week to get his grandmother off his back. But what's a bear shifter to do when the impostor mate he hired turns out to be his actual mate? All sweet, luscious curves and a heart of gold, Xander's not going to let his mate get away. Now all he has to do is show her that they belong together, one kiss and touch at a time...

The Alpha and I
Devon Kincaid is happy with her new life in Lowman, Idaho. Her little bar on the outskirts of the tiny, isolated town is doing well, and she’s not even interested in finding a man. But when she finds a bleeding man—a hot, hard, handsome, naked bleeding man—in the snow one night, Devon brings him home to care for him. He’s definitely not like any man she’s ever met before, but what she doesn’t realize is that he’s not just a man…

Liam Murphy isn't simply a werewolf. He's the Alpha. In a heated battle with a deadly bear shifter, he's moved his pack to the Sawtooth Wilderness in order to draw danger from them. He was hoping to escape his problems—but the last thing he expects to find in the isolated Idaho wilderness was his mate. Fragile and unfamiliar with the violent supernatural world, the only way he can protect Devon is to make her what he is: a werewolf. He only hopes that in the process convincing her to enter fully into his world, that he doesn’t drive away the one woman he can’t live without.


I requested this book from NetGalley because I hadn't managed to read any of these authors, but had been wanting to try a couple of them.  It was a  fun, quick collection of werebear romances! Each story drew me in, and made me want more of their stories!

*I received an e-ARC from NetGalley in order to provide this review.*

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Midnight Wolf (Shifters Unbound #11) by Jennifer Ashley

ABOUT Midnight Wolf:

Angus Murray, bouncer for a New Orleans Shifter bar, is sent to round up an elusive, Collar-less Shifter woman, Tamsin Calloway, who is causing trouble for Shifter Bureau, and possesses information they want. If Angus refuses, he risks losing his cub. He finds Tamsin but she's slippery and not about to be rounded up quietly.

In fact, quiet is nothing Tamsin will ever be. She leads Angus on a wild chase, but he's determined to bring her in to save his son.

Can Tamsin convince Angus she's worth helping before she's locked away by Shifter Bureau, Collared, or perhaps killed?


I have only read one short story in this series previous to this book, so it is possible to read as a stand-alone and enjoy it.  (However, I do tend to prefer to read an entire series from the beginning as the backstory usually makes it a more enriching read.)

This was a fairly quick read for me.  I managed to read it at work between calls (I work in a call center for a bank) in one week.  The characters, world and story are well-developed. 

Tamsin and Angus are both complex characters with and entwined history which cause a lot of tension for them.  Angus's cub is highly likable pup with a talent for sarcasm.  With both the Shifter Bureau and the shifters after them the cards are stacked against Tamsin and Angus, which helps you end up rooting for them despite their initial circumstances.

I really liked the story, and hope to find time to read the rest of the series in the near future.

*I received an e-ARC of this book from First To Read (Penguin) in order to create this review.*

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon (The Embraced #3) by Kerrelyn Sparks



ABOUT Eight Simple Rules:

Kerrelyn Sparks is no stranger to the New York Times bestseller list, as her massive fan base couldn’t seem to get enough of her Love at Stake series. Sparks then introduced her extraordinary fantasy romance series, The Embraced, with How to Tame a Beast in Seven Days and So I Married a Sorcerer. Set in a medieval mythical world, the series follows a special group of people with powers born when the two moons of the world form an eclipse. Now comes the captivating third installment, EIGHT SIMPLE RULES FOR DATING A DRAGON (St. Martin’s Paperbacks; March 27, 2018), where readers meet Gwennore, our fierce and powerful new heroine.

Gwennore is an Elf able to track down the cause of an illness and heal it; a valuable asset to her people. But when she is thrust into the realm of the dragons, she discovers a haunted place of power and magic, plagued by an ancient curse.  And then she meets the smoldering General Silas Dravenko. She’s been raised never to trust a dragon, but never did making a deal with the devil feel so good…

Silas has no way of saving the royal family he’s served for years. But when a beautiful elf comes bursting into his world, Silas is awakened to desire in a way he’s never felt before. But can he trust a sworn enemy?

Filled with romance, adventure, and a vividly imagined new world, EIGHT SIMPLE RULES FOR DATING A DRAGON is a fantasy in the vein of Game of Thrones with all the fun of The Princess Bride. Audiences will become enthralled with Gwennore in a world where passion, fantasy, and royal intrigue collide. Return to the most exciting, magical and romantic series to come along in years in the stunning world of the Embraced!


Kerrelyn has woven a rich tapestry with this series!  And, the problem with finding a new series you love?  When it isn't completed yet!  It is SO hard waiting for the next book!!  In fact, I love it so much I had to buy all 3 in audio format so I could "read" them again on my way to and from work.  (I have a 50-minute drive one way.)

I am absolutely in LOVE with the characters in this series.  They are deeply detailed characters - with all the flaws and imperfections AND all the strengths, wisdom, and courage of people you might find as friends in real life. The girls are a family.  And, with their guys, a quickly expanding family.

Watching Gwennore grow in this story from a shy, retiring young woman into the brave, beautiful, and feisty woman she can be while finding the perfect man for her is so entertaining and poignant at the same time.  It is a thoroughly engaging read! 

**I received a complimentary copy of this ebook via NetGalley.**

Kerrelyn Sparks is best known (so far) for the Love at Stake series, which has hit as high as number 5 on the New York Times list and 22 on the USA Today list. Visit Kerrelyn on Facebook, Twitter, or her website,

Friday, April 27, 2018

Blog Tour - Dark Queen (Skinwalker #12) by Faith Hunter

 Welcome to my little part of the Dark Queen Blog Tour!  I've been absent lately - life and work have really gotten in the way of my reading, but bills have to be paid.  Jane will always make me find time!

We have a Blog Tour Giveaway for you!  You can enter once at each blog stop to increase your chances of winning!  I'm including a link for all of the stops on the tour so you can be sure to catch as many as possible.  Please remember that we are not all posting on the same day so you may have to come back to hit some of the stops!  ;)  The Rafflecopter for the giveaway is at the bottom of my post.



Jane Yellowrock used to hunt vampires, but now she must fight--and win--beside them. 

As Enforcer to the vampire Master of the City of New Orleans, Jane Yellowrock stakes her reputation and her life on keeping her territory safe. But Leo has been issued a blood challenge by the emperor of the European vampires, who seeks to usurp all of his power and possessions. If Leo loses the match to the death, the city will be forfeit, and the people of New Orleans will suffer the consequences. Jane can't let that happen. 

Preparing for the duel requires all of Jane's focus, but with so much supernatural power in play, nothing goes according to plan. She has to rely on herself and the very few people she knows she can trust to stand and fight. Only two things are guaranteed: nothing is sacred, and no one is safe.

ISBN: 1101991429
ISBN-13: 978-1101991428

Purchase Links:


Faith has managed to produced yet another tear-jerking, belly-laughing work of art!

The EVs are here, and the Sangre Duello is being prepared for to determine the future of not only NOLAs paranormals, but the US and Europe.  Jane must once again face seemingly insurmountable odds to try and protect those she has come to care for.  A many-layered, many-faceted plan has been put into place safety for all those left behind regardless of the outcome of the blood duel.

This is a story of family - with all it hardships and benefits.  It is a story of love, of death, of rebirth.  Like life, it has it's slow moments, it's fast moments, it's heartbreaking moments, and it's joyful moments.  If you are unable to read emotionally draining books then this is not the book for you, but if you can... it is SO worth it!

I know I have said it before - and will probably say so again - but, Faith's writing is so descriptive and so full of life that it is easy and fun to read while creating a highly imaginative and colorful world.  There were a couple of passages that made me laugh while at work - the ones with BQ and/or Deon - which of course made my co-workers curious.  I had to share the Elton John passage with my self-dubbed gay work husband because it was just too perfect, and I knew he would enjoy it as much as I did.  I got the book back with the comment, "Oh My God!  I love how she writes!  It is just SO descriptive!"

I made the colossal mistake of finishing this book while on a small plane on the first leg of my vacation flight... with only 1 tissue.  So be warned - if you cry reading books - do NOT finish this book in public unless you have a ready supply of tissues!

**I received  complimentary ARC of this book from the publisher in order to provide this review.**

Faith Hunter is a New York Times and USAToday bestselling author. She writes dark
urban fantasy and paranormal urban thrillers.

Her long-running, bestselling, Skinwalker series features Jane Yellowrock, a hunter of
rogue-vampires. The Soulwood series features Nell Nicholson Ingram in paranormal
crime solving novels. Her Rogue Mage novels, a dark, urban fantasy series, features
Thorn St. Croix, a stone mage in a post-apocalyptic, alternate reality. Two of her fantasy
series have been nominated for Audie Awards.

Under the pen name Gwen Hunter, she has written action adventure, mysteries, thrillers,
women’s fiction, a medical thriller series, and even historical religious fiction. As Gwen,
she is a winner of the WH Smith Literary Award for Fresh Talent in 1995 in the UK, and
won a Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award in 2008. Under all her pen names, she
has over 40 books in print in 30 countries.

In real life, Faith once broke a stove by refusing to turn it on for so long that its parts
froze and the unused stove had to be replaced. Her recent hankering for homemade bread
and soup resulted in fresh loaves each week and she claims that the newish stove feels
loved and well used—because Faith talks to her appliances as well as to her plants and
dog. She collects orchids and animal skulls, loves to sit on the back porch in lightning
storms, and is a workaholic with a passion for jewelry making, white-water kayaking, and
RV travel. She likes the shooting range, prefers Class III whitewater rivers with no gorge
to climb out of, edits the occasional anthology, and drinks a lot of tea. Some days she’s a
lady. Some days she ain't. Occasionally, she remembers to sleep. The jewelry she makes
and wears is often given as promo items and is used as prizes in contests.

For more, including a list of her books, see ,
To keep up with her, like her fan page at Facebook: 


Win one of two complete sets of Faith Hunter’s Jane Yellowrock novels! Contest runs April 23rd until May 11th. Rafflecopter code is below:

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Flame in the Dark (Soulwood #3) by Faith Hunter - Blog Tour

 Welcome to my little part of the Flame in the Dark Blog Tour!  I've been a little absent lately - life and work have gotten in the way of my reading, but nothing could keep me away from Nell!

We have a Blog Tour Giveaway for you!  You can enter once at each blog stop to increase your chances of winning!  I'm including a link for all of the stops on the tour so you can be sure to catch as many as possible.  Please remember that we are not all posting on the same day so you may have to come back to hit some of the stops!  ;)  The Rafflecopter for the giveaway is at the bottom of my post.


Nell Ingram has always known she was different. Since she was a child, she’s been able to feel and channel ancient powers from deep within the earth. When she met Jane Yellowrock, her entire life changed, and she was recruited into PsyLED—the Homeland Security division that polices paranormals. But now her newly formed unit is about to take on its toughest case yet.

A powerful senator barely survives an assassination attempt that leaves many others dead—and the house he was visiting burns to the ground. Invisible to security cameras, the assassin literally disappears, and Nell’s team is called in. As they track a killer they know is more—or less—than human, they unravel a web of dark intrigue and malevolent motives that tests them to their limits and beyond.

FLAME IN THE DARK (Soulwood #3)
Author: Faith Hunter
Publisher: Ace/Roc
December 5, 2017
Mass Market Paperback $7.99
352 pages
ISBN: 978-0451473332

Intrigue, romance, and lots of paranormal activity... Flame in the Dark has it all in spades!

Nell has returned to us with all of her complexities and simplicities.  Life on her mountain... life in town... relationships with her Church family - especially Mud... complications and progressions with her magics... and, then there's Occam.  She's slowly settling into a more secular life without even realizing it.  Still fiercely independent, Nell must discover who she is and what she wants from her life before she can accept where everyone else fits.

Unit Eighteen has had some time to settle into their individual and collective roles, and now has a terrorist to deal with - one who has long been thought eradicated.  As usual, the moon makes an appearance to play havoc with the cats and their attitudes, but even Soul's normally staid composure gets rattled on this case.

I love Faith's style of writing.  It's richly detailed allowing the imagination to play.  The characters are multi-faceted, REAL people.  There is always enough action to keep things interesting without it being all about the action.  If you like urban fantasy, and haven't started reading this series you NEED to!

**I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for review purposes.**


New York Times and USAToday bestselling fantasy author Faith Hunter was born in Louisiana and raised all over the south. Altogether she has 40+ books in print under the names Gary Hunter, Gwen Hunter, and Faith Hunter. As Faith, she writes two contemporary Urban Fantasy series: the Jane Yellowrock series, featuring a Cherokee skinwalker who hunts rogue vampires, and the Soulwood series, featuring earth magic user Nell Ingram. Her Rogue Mage novels are a dark, post-apocalyptic, fantasy series featuring Thorn St. Croix, a stone mage. The role playing game based on the series, is ROGUE MAGE, RPG.

Twitter: @hunterfaith
Yellowrock Securities:  
Gwen Hunter:

The tour giveaway is for 3 sets of the 1st 2 Soulwood books ( BLOOD OF THE EARTH and CURSE ON THE LAND ) and one $50 Amazon gift card (US residents only)!


Sunday, May 7, 2017

Sweet Tea and Spirits (Southern Ghost Hunter Mysteries, #5) by Angie Fox

<3 <3 <3

I think this was my favorite book in the series so far!

Verity, Frankie, Mollie, and Mother Mary make for an entertaining and mysterious group of characters. In this installment of the Southern Ghost Hunter Mysteries we actually have two concurrent plots - 1 surrounding Verity and a death - and 1 surrounding Frankie.

After hiring Verity to help with what appears to be a poltergeist issue the new president of the historical society is found dead. Verity is the only person who thinks the death is suspicious, and only her tenacity will keep the investigation going.

Frankie manages to insult a mobster known for "erasing" ghosts and needs to find a place to hide. In doing so he also manages to find himself a little something more. Can Frankie finally have found his purpose for being?

**I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts/comments are my own.**

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Cold Reign (Jane Yellowrock #11) by Faith Hunter

Welcome to the Cold Reign Blog Tour!  Great to see you here!

We're here to celebrate the release of another AWESOME installment in the story of Jane Yellowrock!

Jane Yellowrock is a shape-shifting skinwalker…and the woman rogue vampires fear most.
Jane walks softly and carries a big stake to keep the peace in New Orleans, all part of her job as official Enforcer to Leo Pellissier, Master of the City. But Leo’s reign is being threatened by a visit from a delegation of ancient European vampires seeking to expand their dominions.
And there’s another danger to the city. When she hears reports of revenant vampires, loose in NOLA and out for blood, Jane goes to put them down—and discovers there’s something unusual about these revenants. They never should have risen.
Jane must test her strength against a deadly, unnatural magic beyond human understanding, and a ruthless cadre of near-immortals whose thirst for power knows no bounds…
I have a character profile to share with you today...
Gregoire’s secondo heir, Adrianna quickly became Jane’s enemy. Jane staked her, but Leo brought her back - several times. Adrianna often was sometimes acting master of Clan Arceneau, one of the most powerful clans in the U.S. 
She started out with two blood-servants, Sina and Brigit. She also had scions, Barb, Lanah, Hope and Lorraine and Cieran. She had turned the last two, they were her children. The vamps are now all true dead. 

Adrianna had been part of the Damours’ black magic rituals. She had picked up a few magical things, like amulets that made humans willing conspirators in crimes.

She has red hair, curly and wild, that fans out around her, blue eyes that are not quite sane.

She has a golden torque etched with Celtic symbols that rest on her collarbones and two gold cuffs shaped like snakes that climb her arm. Loves sexy expensive clothes.

Leo declares Adrianna outlaw but won’t let Jane behead her. She was a lover to the Son of Darkness, Joses Santana who later stabs her in the temple with a silver spike—which she also survives. 

Will Jane ever be able to behead her?

**Compiled by Melissa M. Gilbert of Clicking Keys, for the Character History of the Jane Yellowrock world**

Publisher: Roc
Price: $7.99
Release date: May 2, 2017
ISBN: 978-1101991404

The action just doesn't STOP!

Jane and her ever-increasing circle of family must circumvent the centuries-in-the-planning coup being attempted by the EVs in order to save her loved ones and keep their way of life. During the process Jane's inherent magics and her acquired ones cause her many issues... and may just be what save the day.

Things to love about this installment of Jane's story:
- the puns: Starting with the title...
- the action: It's fast, almost constant, and bloody.
- the verbiage: Faith's writing is descriptive, imaginative, and engaging... and STILL manages to use "big words"! ;)
- the characters: They are well-developed, charismatic, and intriguing. Sometimes Faith even makes you route for the bad guys... but not often.

Things to hate about this book:
- ummmmmm... that I finished it? lol

This series is definitely not for underage or immature audiences, but for those of us who enjoy strong female protagonists who become more complex as the series progresses and use sarcasm like a dollop of whipped cream (on top of her tea), Jane RAWKS!

**I received a complimentary copy of this book from Berkley Publishing as part of a book blog tour in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts/comments are my own.** 
About Faith Hunter:
New York Times Bestselling author Faith Hunter writes three series: the Jane Yellowrock series, dark urban fantasy novels featuring Jane, a Cherokee Skinwalker; the Rogue Mage novels, a dark, urban fantasy / post apocalyptic series and role playing game featuring Thorn St. Croix; and the Soulwood Series featuring Nell Nicholson Ingram.

Visit Faith online at, or follow her on FacebookTwitter, and Goodreads.

There’s a tour-wide giveaway for copies of COLD REIGN and totes featuring Beast! Open to US residents only.