Thank you for visiting my little corner of the digital world! Today we are having some fun with the newest installation of Nell Ingram's story, Circle of the Moon. First up, I have a guest post for you from Nell herself!
What if you were…
1. If you had a job other than the one with PsyLED, the Psychometric Law
Enforcement Division of Homeland Security?
Nell: I’m a farmer at heart, not that I have a lot of cleared land to farm. I have over a
hundred fallow acres of old growth trees that I commune with and take care of, and they take
care of me in return. I know that sounds odd and it’s a long story, but trust me, the land can
do its job. That said, I’ve thought about putting in some grape vines in the three acres on the
south side of the hill. I’ve even thought about clearing some land for crops. But it might be
easier to just bring in some meat goats. I’m not sure yet. I hope to have my little sister live
with me soon and she might have an opinion on all that. We’ll see!
2. If you were a car or truck?
Nell: I’d say that’s kinda silly, that no one can be a car, but then I’m part tree, so maybe it
ain’t so strange. And my answer has changed in the last year as I’ve been brought into
modern society and culture. Once upon a time I said I would be John Deere tractor, but now?
I’d be a truck, for sure. A collectable 1945-1949 Willys CJ-2A. The CJ-2A was the blueprint
for every recreational four-wheel drive vehicle for seventy years, including every Jeep. It’s
got that seven-slot grille, flat fenders, and the Willys' little 60-hp, 134-cid "Go-Devil" engine.
The CJ-2A runs on an 80-inch wheelbase and weighs just 2100 pounds, so it’s maneuverable
as well as peppy. I’d make a great Willys!
3. If you were a poem?
Nell: That’s changed too. Not because I fell out of love with Will. That’s William
Shakespeare. But because I’m in the middle of falling in love with a Cat-man, a were-leopard
named Occam. It’s ’cause a him that I’m reading some love poems by John Donne, not that
I’m gonna tell Occam that, and not that I’d EVER tell my mama. She’d have kittens to think
of me reading anything other than the Bible and Shakespeare. Donne writes sorta like Will,
with spellings of his day and lots of flourishes. Here’s the first verse of my current favorite…
I WONDER by my troth, what thou, and I
Did, till we lov’d? were we not wean’d till then?
But suck’d on countrey pleasures, childishly?
Or snorted we in the seaven sleepers den?
T’was so; But this, all pleasures fancies bee.
If ever any beauty I did see,
Which I desir’d, and got, t’was but a dreame of thee.
4. When we last met, I asked what weapon you would be. Has your answer changed?
Nell: Last time I said something like: I am a weapon. I can feed the land, feed the EARTH
with the blood of my enemies. I can heal the trees of the forest with the soul of an attacker. I
look innocent, but I am something primeval and dangerous and I can kill with my bare hands.
Beware. So, um. Yeah. Maybe that’s gotten worse? Maybe I’m more of a weapon than ever?
I had to battle something really big and mean and awful in CIRCLE OF THE MOON. Now
it’s getting hard to hide what I am, and I fear that sometime soon, someone might challenge
me on the fact of not being human. Anyway, thanks for having me!
Nell can draw magic from the land around her, and lately she’s been using it to help the Psi-Law Enforcement division, which solves paranormal crimes. Joining the team at PsyLED has allowed her to learn more about her powers and the world she always shunned—and to find true friends.
Head agent Rick LaFleur shifts into a panther when the moon calls him, but this time, something has gone wrong. Rick calls Nell from a riverbank—he’s naked, with no memory of how he came to be there, and there’s a dead black cat, sacrificed in a witch circle and killed by black magic, lying next to him.
Then more animals turn up dead, and the
team rushes to investigate. A blood-witch is out to kill. But when it
seems as if their leader is involved in the crime, the bonds that hold
the team together could shatter at any moment.
ISBN: 0399587942
ISBN-13: 978-0399587948
Barnes & Noble
Google Play

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
My favorite books are part of a series - specifically long series. Beyond that I LOVE when an author has managed to create a world so intricate, wide-spread, ad well-written that it can then spawn spin-off series with some of the characters. Faith has managed to do this brilliantly.
Circle of the Moon becomes an integral tie-in book between the Jane Yellowrock and Nell Ingram worlds. Focusing on Ricky-Bo, the story gives many more details regarding his tattoo, how and why it was created... and why it has become the magical "backdoor" anyone familiar with pc hacking would be proud to know about.
I don't want to go into too many details as that may spoil the story, but both Nell & Ricky-Bo grow quite a bit in this story, and once I opened the book it was hard to put it down. The whole team is still recovering from their last magical firefight, and being the nuturer that she is, Nell feels strongly responsible for fixing them. Ricky-Bo is torn between his responsibility to lead and feeling that he is letting the team down.
Overall once of the best reads I have had in quite a while!
View all my reviews
Faith Hunter is the New York Times and USAToday bestselling author of the Jane Yellowrock series, the Soulwood series, and the Rogue Mage series, as well as the author of 16 thrillers under pen the names Gary Hunter and Gwen Hunter. She has 40+ books in print.
Faith collects orchids and animal skulls, loves thunder storms, and writes. She likes to cook soup, bake homemade bread, garden, and run Class III whitewater rivers. She edits the occasional anthology and drinks a lot of tea. Some days she’s a lady. Some days she ain't.
For more, see Faith collects orchids and animal skulls, loves thunder storms, and writes. She likes to cook soup, bake homemade bread, garden, and run Class III whitewater rivers. She edits the occasional anthology and drinks a lot of tea. Some days she’s a lady. Some days she ain't.
To keep up with her, like her fan page at Facebook:
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