Wednesday, May 18, 2016

RYLEE (The Rylee Adamson Epilogues) by Shannon Mayer

Rylee (The Rylee Adamson Epilogues, #1)Rylee by Shannon Mayer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

**I received an ebook in exchange for an honest review.**

OMGEEEEEEEE!! Rylee is back - taking names and kicking butt!

True fans all bawled buckets of tears when Blood of the Lost ended. But, because she screams so loudly in her author's head, now we get to see where Rylee has ended up a year later.

Rylee is having trouble transitioning from Tracker to daywalking vampire. When she transitioned she lost her tracking abilities and immunity. She has gained immense strength and healing abilities among other things, but to remain alive she now requires blood - something only a monster would require to her previous mindset - and that is causing her to question who she really is. Her fears and worries are holding her back from her patchwork family, and while the love remains as strong as ever her relationship with Liam is strained.

Enter a job... While she has either passed off to other family members - or completely rejected - most jobs for months now, this one calls to her. Liam agrees that she should do this job as a way of finding not only the lost girl, but also herself. Her investigation leads her into The Pit. And, of course, Rylee manages to find new friends along the way.

Another awe-inspiring chapter in the world of Rylee Adamson by Shannon Mayer! I can't wait to read more in the epilogues!

View all my reviews

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